Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Go, Dad, Go! - A Timeline of Dad's Cure from Diabetes

I am super proud of my father, who joined me on this vegan journey a few months ago and yesterday accomplished a major health goal. Here's what happened:

March 14 - Dad and I attended a screening of Forks Over Knives. Impressed by the scientific health information, Dad gets off the fence and decides to give this crazy vegan thing a try.

March 24 - Dad's first visit to Whole Foods, finding ingredients for a recipe from the Happy Herbivore cookbooks.

March 26 - I get a call at work for assistance in locating the tahini in my kitchen. Dad's first experiment with making hummus, or as I like to call it, vegan manna. Welcome to the club, Dad!

March 27 - The doctor delivers the bad news: Dad's recent bloodwork shows he's progressed from pre-diabetes into full-blown Type 2 diabetes. 

March 28 - I order Dad a copy of Dr. Neal Barnard's Program for Reversing Diabetes: The Scientifically Proven System for Reversing Diabetes without Drugs. Dad reads it the minute it arrives, as well as visiting a doctor-recommended dietitian.

April 2 - I hack Dad's Facebook account and force him to "Like" This Dish is Veg and the 21 Day Vegan Kickstart. Positive reinforcement!

April 7 - Dad's first journey into the wild world of quinoa. He's tried all the colors!

April 16 - Dad buys swim trunksjoins a gym, and starts water walking several days a week.

May 27 - Dad talks me into attempting to feed Mom my vegan lasagna. After he allays her fears of it possibly containing tofu, she kinda likes it. I credit Dad for moxie.

June 22 - Mom, who seemed dubious at first but has been supportive nonetheless, buys Dad an industrial size package of veggie burgers at BJ's. There is no surer sign that she approves of his new healthier lifestyle.

June 23 - Dad accompanies me on my typical Saturday circuit of farmer's market, Whole Foods, & Publix. Afterwards, he still finds the energy to go to the gym! (Later, find tired Dad eating peas for dinner. Introduce him to the glorious world of quick-cooking grains with some tomato lentil couscous.)

June 25 - Dad gets his test results from the doctor -- he is no longer diabetic!


Dear readers, as to what's next for my dad, he'll shortly be launching a new blog about public health and food safety issues related to bacteria, and hopes to start a nonprofit organization to fight for better answers to this issue. Stay tuned for news about that!

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