Thursday, February 16, 2012

Roast-a-thon: Roasted rainbow carrot and potato hash

This is another edition of the Roast-a-thon I couldn't wait to post. I almost stopped eating to write down the recipe. Almost. It was just too good to set down.

Roasted Rainbow Carrot & Potato Hash

1 medium white onion
1/2 bag Honey Gold baby potatoes
1 bunch (6-8 medium) rainbow carrots
2 tbsp olive oil
Course ground salt and pepper

I used the Honey Gold baby potatoes, but any baby/fingerling potato of your choosing should do. My bunch of carrots had 2 yellow, 2 purple, 1 deep orange, and 2  regular carrots. Of course, you could use regular old carrots, too.

Preheat oven to 375 F. Line a baking sheet with aluminum foil. Slice carrots and potatoes in rounds of even thickness. Cut onion into wedges. Toss veggies with olive olive oil. Spread in a single layer on baking sheet. Sprinkle with salt, pepper, and parsley. Bake for 45 - 55 minutes, turning once until potatoes are crispy and carrots are soft.

My kids ate theirs as a side dish, but tossed on a bed of prepared wild mushroom couscous, this was my meal. And it was so sweet, crispy, and flavorful, it deserves a second photo!


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